1. Carbohydrate is stored in the body in the form of ..............
(a) Glycogen
(b) sugar
(c) Starch
(d) sucrose
ANS. (A) Glycogen
2. Which was the first enzyme (enzyme) isolated in pure crystalline form?
(a) Catalase
(b) Euryse
(c) lipase
(d) none
ANS. (B) Euryse
3. Which of the following is not a fuel element?
(a) Uranium
(b) thorium
(c) radium
(d) helium
ANS. (D) Helium
4. Which of the following gases is water soluble?
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) chlorine
(c) Hydrogen sulfide
(d) Ammonia
ANS. (D) Ammonia
5. The fundamental particles present in the nucleus of an atom are …….
(a) electron, proton
(b) electron, neutron
(c) neutrons, protons
(d) No option is correct
ANS. (C) neutrons, protons
6. Which of the following types of coral reefs are found in India?
(a) Atoll
(b) Fringing
(c) barrier
(d) All options are correct
ANS. (D) All options are correct
7. Which planet was discovered by a NASA human who has a twisted magnetic tail?
(a) Venus
(b) Mars
(c) Saturn
(d) Neptune
ANS. (B) Mars
78. Which of the following will be the first carbon free district in India?
(a) Jaipur
(b) Patna
(c) Majuli
(d) none
ANS. (C) Majuli
9. Protein in the stomach is an enzyme that converts into peptides.
(a) diastase
(b) Maltase
(c) urease
(d) Pepsin
ANS. (D) Pepsin
10. Name the flat bone on the ventral midline of the throat.
(a) Kokal
(b) Sacrum
(c) Casein
(d) Alumin
ANS. (D) Alumin