1. Protein present in cow's milk is

(a) Gene

(b) Lactalbumin

(c) Casein

(d) Albumin

ANS. (C) Casein

2. Cocaine is obtained from the plant.

(a) Erythrozylum coca

(b) Papaver somniferum

(c) Cannabis sativa

(d) Hibiscus rosagensis

ANS. (A) Erythrozylum coca

3. Indian saltpetre

(a) NaNO3

(b) KNO3

(c) SbNO3

(d) BiNO3


4. Which element is lacking in milk?

(a) Potassium

(b) calcium

(c) iron

(d) Magnesium

ANS. (C) Iron

5. Milk is sugar

(a) lactose

(b) maltose

(c) fructose

(d) sucrose

ANS. (A) Lactose

6. Refers to billion characters.

(a) Megabytes

(b) Kilobytes

(c) Terabytes

(d) Gigabytes

ANS. (D) Gigabytes

7. Sucrose

(a) Manosaccharide

(b) disaccharide

(c) Polysaccharide

(d) None of these

ANS. (B) Disaccharide

8. The emergence of the species by natural selection was given by.

(a) Lamarck

(b) Linnaeus

(c) Charles Darwin

(d) Erasmus

ANS. (C) Charles Darwin

9. The radius of the Ge nucleus is measured to be twice the radius of Be '. The number of nucleons in Ge is

(a) 71

(b) 72

(c) 73

(d) 74

ANS. (B) 72

10. A trait that is determined by many genes and does not show distinct variations is called.

(a) qualitative characteristics

(b) epileptic symptoms

(c) quantitative traits

(d) None of the above

ANS. (C) Quantitative Characteristics