1. In which country has the BRO's flagship project Project DANTAK been implemented recently?
Answer – Bhutan
Project Dantak was established on 24 April 1961 under the leadership of the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. It is one of the oldest projects of the Border Roads Organization (BRO), which was tasked with the construction of motorable roads in Bhutan. Recently, the Diamond Jubilee of this project has been celebrated in Bhutan.
2. 'Varuna' is a multilateral defense exercise between India and which country, held recently?
Answer – France
'Varuna' is a multilateral naval exercise between India and France. The 19th edition of the bilateral exercise 'Varuna-2021' was concluded on April 27, 2021. The exercise, conducted in the Arabian Sea, included advanced air defense and anti-submarine programmes, rapid flight operations and other maritime operations.
3. 'Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health' is related to which organization?
Answer – ILO
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work was first organized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in 2003 as part of the 'Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health'. as was.
4. Recently which Indian Armed Force is training its non-medical personnel to work as 'Battlefield Nursing Assistants'?
Answer – Indian Navy
The Southern Naval Command of the Indian Navy announced that it has started providing training to its non-medical personnel to act as battlefield nursing assistants due to the rise in COVID-19 cases.
5. What is the meaning of IBD?
Answer – Inflammatory bowel disease
A recent study measured antibody responses after vaccination in people treated with a common medication prescribed for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). According to the researchers, those people had significantly lower concentrations of antibodies. This study concluded that these people should be given priority for the second vaccination. The two main forms of IBD are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
6. Which international agency has recently adopted a political declaration to end AIDS by the year 2030?
Answer – United Nations General Assembly
The United Nations General Assembly has called for an urgent action to end AIDS from the world by the year 2030. An approval was passed in this regard and it mentions the current status of AIDS. This declaration has been adopted with 165 votes.
7. Recently Operation Pangea XIV has been implemented by which agency?
Answer – Interpol
Interpol conducted an exercise called "Operation Pangea XIV", in which the agency removed over 1.10 lakh web links, including websites and online marketplaces, that were involved in illegal sale of drugs and medical products. India also participated in this operation and 92 countries have participated in this exercise along with India.
8. Digital India Corporation is an organization under which ministry?
Answer – Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Digital India Corporation is a not-for-profit company, which works under the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. Recently, this company has entered into an MoU with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to provide 'demand based tele agriculture advice' to the farmers.
9. Recently a report titled 'Child Labour: Global estimates 2020, trends and the road forward' has been released by ILO in collaboration with which organization?
Answer – UNICEF
The International Labor Organization (ILO) and UNICEF have released a report titled 'Child Labour: Global estimates 2020, trends and the road forward'. It has been released ahead of the World Day Against Child Labor on 12 June. According to this report, the number of child labor has increased to 160 million worldwide.
10. According to the recently released “The Costs of Climate Change in India” report, due to climate change, India's poverty rate will increase by what percent by 2040?
Answer – 3.5%
A report titled 'The Costs of Climate Change in India' has been released by the London-based global think tank Overseas Development Institute. This report states that due to climate change, India's poverty will increase by 3.5% by the year 2040. It has also been said in this report that by the year 2100, due to climate change, India will lose about 3 to 10% of GDP.