1. The divine knowledge received by Mahavira is called-
(a) Kaivalya
(b) organism
(c) truth
(d) non-violence
ANS. (A) Kaivalya
2. Which of the following is not a Jain 'Triratna'?
(a) Samyukta Pooja
(b) due faith
(c) due knowledge
(d) Right philosophy
ANS. (A) Samyukta Pooja
3. In which language did Mahavira teach?
(a) Magadhi
(b) Semi-Magadhi
(c) Shurseni
(d) appendage
ANS. (B) Semi-Magadhi
4 Which of the following statements is incorrect-
(a) 24 Tirthankaras of Jainism were the first Rishabhdev and the last Vardhaman Mahavira.
(b) 23rd Tirthankar was Parshvanath
(c) Triratna theory and five fast is the main education.
(d) Jainism and Buddhism do not believe in karma theory.
ANS. (D) Jainism and Buddhism do not believe in Karma Doctrine.
5. Protected Jainism
(a) Pushyamitra Sunga
(b) Kanishka
(c) Samudra Gupta
(d) Kharavel Magadha Empire
ANS. (D) Kharavela Magadha Empire
6. The oldest capital of the kingdom of Magadha
(a) Patna
(b) Gaya
(c) Vaishali
(d) Girivaraj (Rajgriha)
ANS. (D) Girivaraj (Rajgriha)
7. Who was the last ruler of Magadha Empire?
(a) Bimbisara
(b) Ajatashatru
(c) Udayan
(d) Kalashok
ANS. (D) Kalashok
8. Magadh came into prominence under whose leadership?
(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Udayan
(c) Bimbisara
(d) Shishunaga
ANS. (A) Ajatashatru
9. Who was the last Nanda ruler?
(a) Mahapadmanand
(b) Ghananand
(c) Shishu Nanda
(d) Aghor Nanda
ANS. (B) Ghananand
10. Which of the following is an ancient district?
(a) Panchal
(b) Tamralipti
(c) Amravati
(d) Kanchipuram