1. The fastest speed printer is
(a) line printer
(b) Dot Matrix
(c) laser printer
(d) None of these
ANS. (C) Laser Printer
2. The memory that is lost when the power is dissolved is called
(a) Bolatile memory
(b) ROM memory
(c) both
(d) none
ANS. (A) Bolatile memory
3. Floppy Disk is most useful
(a) Mini computer
(b) Supercomputer
(c) In personal computer
(d) Mainpo computer
ANS. (C) In personal computer
4. Physical Structure of a computer is called-
(a) hardware
(b) software
(c) Man ware
(d) none
ANS. (A) Hardware
5. Inkjet printers are examples of which of these?
(a) software
(b) impact printer
(c) Hardware
(d) non impact printer
ANS.(d) Non Impact Printer
6. Taking information from primary storage and acting on it CPU. What part of the work is it?
(a) Arithmetic Logical Unit
(b) Random Acces Memory
(c) Read Only Memory
(d) Control Unit
ANS. (D) Control Unit
7. Which of the following is not a computer program?
(a) Pagemaker
(b) Coral
(c) monitor
(d) Word
ANS. (C) monitor
8. Floppy Disk One
(a) input device
(b) output device
(c) processor
(d) storage device
ANS. (D) Storage Device
9. Which of the following is the output device?
(a) printer monitor
(c) mouse
(d) both a and b
ANS.(d) both a and b
10. Which of the following printers is faster than everyone else?
(a) Typewriter
(b) ink jet
(c) Dotmatrix
(d) Drum
ANS. (B) Ink Jet