In February 2021, the Tata Group made an official announcement to buy a 68 per cent stake in the online grocery store company 'Big Basket'.
The agreement has been finalized at a cost of about 9500 crore rupees at the cost of the stake.
It is important to note that the company so far was the biggest investor in Big Basket, which is controlled by Chinese industrialist 'Jack Ma'.
Prior to Tata Digital's investment, investors had a percentage stake in 'Big Boxet' - Alibaba 29.1 percent, Abraaj Group 16.3 percent, Ascent Capital 8.6 percent ‚etc.
There are about 4000 products from 1000 companies available on the Big Bosquet platform in India.
The Big Boxet app is used by over 6 million customers.
The business of this company is available in 26 cities in India.